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A Modern Multiuser
Real Estate Portal

Boost your real estate classifieds website with our easy yet powerful

  • Automated Request Processing
  • Optimized Sales & Marketing
  • Convenient Data Management
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Increased Cost Efficiency
  • Improved Customer Service

 Get Started for Free    Book a Demo

Create your own real estate website.

Our product lets you create your own website to get the profits within the shortest possible time or to present your real estate agency on the Internet. An easy-to-use interface, high website speed, social tools, a variety of functions and add-ons – all this and some more help to build a business based on our products efficiently.

Open Real Estate is a ready-to-go real estate website software.

CMS software offers real estate agencies and real estate agents the technology they need to connect with real estate owners, prospective buyers and Internet surfers.

All Features

With our products your business ideas come true within the shortest possible time!

We build professional websites focused on buying, selling and renting realty. Our company has great experience in building websites. Our web developers have different certificates confirming their professionalism. Many of them share their knowledge and read lectures on different topics about web applications development using PHP and MySQL in some progressive companies.

Easy monetization

Modules 'Paid Services and Payments' and 'Tariff Plans', as well as module 'Advertising banners' allow to monetize your website easily.

SEO optimization

Module 'SEO' provides flexible setting of the site for better indexing by search machines and use of SEF URL.

Modular architecture

Modular architecture of Open Real Estate enables to purchase and use only the modules you require.